A reckless motorist led to the crashing of two semi trucks in Connecticut on Wednesday morning.
The accident happened on September 15th at around 7:40 a.m. in the southbound lanes of Interstate 91 in Meriden.
According to the Hartford Courant, 43-year-old Eric Ploof was driving his 2014 Toyota Camry ‘erratically’ in the right lane of I-91, weaving in and out of traffic, when he cut off a tractor trailer driven by 45-year-old John Sullivan and knocked the rig’s front tire with the rear end of his car. This impact caused Sullivan’s rig to veer left, where it struck another semi truck driven by 54-year-old Juselino A. Rodrigues.
Sullivan’s truck then drifted back to the right side of the highway and jackknifed before striking the Camry and dragging it off the side of the road right along with it. Rodrigues’ rig then veered left into a guardrail and overturned.
No one was seriously injured in the series of wrecks, but Rodrigues did have to crawl out of his wrecked rig through the passenger-side window.
Ploof has since been ticketed for reckless driving, failure to maintain proper lane and improper passing, and has received a misdemeanor summons for his citations.