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New York

Two Alabama troopers struck on side of road on same day


Two Alabama State Troopers were struck while responding to two different incidents on Monday of this week. 

The incidents happened on July 26th near Birmingham, Alabama. 

According to CBS 42, in the first instance, a state trooper was parked on the side of a roadway responding to a call when they were struck by a moving vehicle. This accident ultimately involved the state trooper, an Alabama Department of Transportation vehicle, and an additional vehicle. 

The second instance occurred on southbound Interstate 65 near mile marker 272 in a construction zone. The trooper was responding to a stopped 18 wheeler when a passing car lost control and struck the big rig, hitting the trooper in the process. 

State Trooper O’Neal says that both officers are expected to be okay, but urges people to slow down if they can’t move over, especially in inclement weather. 

“We just got to encourage our people to watch the traffic signs, heed the caution lights. And for goodness sake slow down, get out of the way if you are affected by the accident. Move over, but just use common sense and drive safely,” said Governor Kay Ivey. 

“We’re going to get out and enforce that law as much as possible just to try to protect people out here. So, if we can save a life then we will do it by taking someone to jail or writing them a ticket,” O’Neal said.

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