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North Carolina kicks off weeklong speed enforcement campaign


Law enforcement agencies across North Carolina are currently taking part in a speed enforcement effort.

From July 18 through July 24, North Carolina police are taking part in “Speeding Wrecks Lives” in partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

“Speeding-related crashes are at all-time high levels across the country, including North Carolina, and one proven way to prevent speeding is an increased law enforcement presence on the roads,” said Mark Ezzell, director of the Governor’s Highway Safety Program. “Campaigns like these are key pieces to decreasing crashes, even as we work on more long-term solutions such as safe road design, safer cars and quality driver education.” 

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, 424 people died in speeding-related crashes in North Carolina in 2021.

Also happening this week is a multiple state effort to enforce “Move Over” laws conducted by the Ohio State Patrol, Indiana State Police, Kentucky State Police, Michigan State Police, Pennsylvania State Police, and the West Virginia State Police. Click here for more.

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