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Kansas cops set the record straight on who has the right of way when a vehicle merges onto a highway


The Wichita Police Department (WPD) went viral with a Facebook post on driver obligations for merging onto a highway or interstate.

On January 19, WPD shared a Facebook post from the agency’s official page reminding drivers that vehicles already on the roadway are not obligated to move over to allow other vehicles to merge.

Traffic Tip of the Day: While it is certainly courteous driving for the blue car to move over if able to do so safely, the red car is the one required to adjust to traffic and merge when able,” WPD said.

More than 43,000 Facebook users liked WPD’s post.

You are nice when you allow someone in, but you are not legally obligated to. The merging traffic has a yield sign for a reason. And if the sign isn’t there, they still legally must yield until there is room to merge safely,” said one commenter.

“Adjust to traffic” does NOT mean staying at 45 & attempting to merge in, NOR does it mean coming to a complete stop at the bottom of the ramp,” another noted.

Thank you for these PSA’s. I am not sure people understand the rules of the road anymore. Hopefully these help,” a commenter said.

At the end of the day it’s red’s job to merge but that doesn’t mean blue can’t be courteous and make room if possible,” another person concluded.

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