Law enforcement agencies in Georgia and Iowa took to social media this week to point out load securement violations that officers recently encountered.
On Tuesday, April 4, the Georgia Department of Public Safety shared a photo of an unsecured load with the caption, “‘Spot the Violation’- MCO3 Royals (Region H) stopped this CMV last week in South Georgia. Can you figure out why?”
On Monday, April 3, Iowa DOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement also took to Facebook to point out a load securement problem.
“When your load is falling off – the answer is not to just add more straps. Taking the time to do things right in the first place, you can avoid issues such as these. The liability, if your load falls off, and causes damage and/or an accident, is extreme. The mudflaps do not excuse you from any liability if you were wondering…” officials said.
Load securement issues are currently top of mind among many in the trucking industry. During International Roadcheck 2023, “proper cargo securement,” along with anti-lock braking systems, will be an area of emphasis for inspectors.
See the flier below for more on cargo securement during Roadcheck.