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Want to trade in your big rig for the Wienermobile? Oscar Mayer is hiring hot dog drivers


Oscar Mayer has announced that they’re looking for new drivers for their famous Wienermobiles in 2023.

Oscar Mayer issued their annual announcement that they are hiring 12 drivers (also known as a “Hotdoggers”) to operate the company’s iconic 27 foot long Wienermobiles coast to coast.

The position lasts for only a year, is described as “100% travel,” and includes required television, radio, and charity event appearances as well as vehicle maintenance and social media contributions.

No CDL is required for the Hotdogger driving position, but a Bachelor’s degree is, preferably in Marketing, Journalism, or a related field.

The job description specifically calls for graduating college seniors to apply — as long as they have “an appetite for adventure and are willing to see the country through the windshield of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.”

Benefits of the job include competitive pay and the chance to “be a mini-celebrity in small towns and big cities.”

Oscar Mayer’s first Wienermobile debuted in 1936 and six of the vehicles now travel around the country making appearances.

You can watch Jay Leno take the Wienermobile for a spin in the video below.

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