Laws & Regulations
If You Take These Medications, You Might Not Get A CDL
If you take any of these medications or have any of these illnesses, you may be disqualified from obtaining a CDL.
Upcoming Changes for CDL Holders
Get the information you need to know about upcoming medical card requirements.
Why Truck Drivers Should Care About Tort Reform
Have you heard of tort reform? Read why you should know and care about it.
Truck Mud Flap Laws
Did you know there are mud flap laws? Find out what they are here.
Truck Drivers’ Gun Rights By State
Find out which states will honor your conceal and carry permit.
Roadcheck 2012 is Coming. Are You Ready?
Roadcheck 2012 is quickly approaching. Is your truck ready? Are you ready? Find out the specifics on what inspectors are looking for here.
Pre-Paid Legal Service – Your Ticket To Freedom?
Are pre-paid legal services worth the money, or do they cause more harm than good. Read about some other truckers' experiences with them.
FMCSA Releases Planned Improvements to SMS
The FMCSA released planned "improvements" to the SMS. Are they moving in the right direction? Find out what improvements were made.
Clean Diesel Advances in 2012 Report
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released a report detailing how much cleaner diesel fuel burns in today's trucks. Find out just how clean inside...
Clean Energy Magnate Betting On Natural Gas Semis
Semi trucks running on natural gas harvested here in North America could cut transportation budgets by a big chunk. How much?
Drug War May Catch Truckers by Surprise In Ohio
An Ohio senator, backed by a governor's drug initiative could cause unforeseen problems for law-abiding truckers.
ATA and OOIDA Challenge on EOBR Ruling
Today the ATA joined the OOIDA in a legal challenge regarding the FMCSA's new ruling on voluntary EOBR devices.