New Driver

Ms. Manners: Communication?

Why is it that we have stopped using the C.B. Radio? It is the ONLY way for truckers to communicate with each other.

Ms. Manners: Safety, Really?

I'm all for safety so, from a truck drivers point of view: Here are one or two things that I think would make for a safer highway.

Starting Out: CDL School

Making the decision to become a truck driver isn’t easy. It’s a different way of life. Before hitting the road, you’ll face one more challenge: getting your CDL.

Don’t Become A Victim Of A Scammer

By Heidi O. It is that time of year again where scammers start to prey on the trustworthiness of the nation’s truck drivers. Don’t fall...

How To Climb A Grade Without Overheating

A couple of weeks ago as I was heading out of town with my load, going east on California Hwy 58 over Tehachapi grade, the all-too-familiar site of trucks, at least one every time, on the side of the road, overheating. What can we do to prevent this?

A New Driver’s Packing List

If you're a new driver, and about to head out on the road for the first time, it may be difficult to think of everything you'll need. Here's a packing list to make the process a little easier!

Ms. Manners: Frustrating Communication With Dispatch

For company drivers - and really any driver, the hardest part of your job, and is what makes or breaks a company, is the communication or lack of communication between the driver and dispatch or whoever they decide your go-to guy is, mine is dispatch.

PHOTO: Don’t Pull Out In Front Of Big Trucks

An important reminder to motorists: Don't pull out in front of big trucks.

Getting A Trucking Job Without Having Experience

Starting out in the trucking business can be a vicious circle: to get a job you need experience and to get experience, you need a job. So how can a new driver get a job without experience?

How Long Before You Worry?

How long do you wait before you panic and call either your spouse’s dispatcher or company or even the police in their last known location?

How Not To Be A Truck Driver: 4 Major Rookie Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Running out of fuel. Relying too heavily on GPS and getting lost. Accidentally going over on hours... What do these things have in common? They are...

Ms. Manners: Hanging Out In the Hammer Lane

Don't be that rolling road block. Please have respect for each other, just move over to the proper traveling lane and roll on brother, roll on.

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