
ATA and OOIDA Challenge on EOBR Ruling

Today the ATA joined the OOIDA in a legal challenge regarding the FMCSA's new ruling on voluntary EOBR devices.

South Dakota Approves Bill Boosting Trucker Rights

South Dakota placed a ban on indemnity clauses for shipping companies looking to avoid responsibility for freight loss or damage.

Transporting Nukes – Can You Spot Them?

The Cold War is over, but the high-dollar cargo is still on the road. How do you spot them?

Log Books for Truck Drivers

Every trucker needs a log book from time to time. Get a good deal on one here!

Gifts For Truckers

Got a trucker in your life? We have some gift suggestions for that special highway hero of yours, and the prices are right!

Ex-Trucker Creates Mobile Chapel Out of Semi

A pastor decided his calling was going to be much different than most other spiritual leaders'.

Entrepreneurial Woman Keeps Truckers Safe & Rolling

A Canadian woman created a business to help truckers stay safe and keep their trucks on the road. She loves truckers and her job. Read more about her.

Winter Truck Driving Supplies

Have you outfitted yourself and your truck with winter travel accessories? We're linking you to some suggestions in case you haven't yet.

How To Avoid Failing Your CDL Training Pt. 1

Truck driving is a difficult job and training for a CDL isn't easy. Here's how to avoid some common mistakes.

Driving Safe in Winter Weather

For most of the country it's been a mild winter, but trucks cover every square inch of North America. Here's how to stay safe in the cold no matter where you're headed.

CB Slang Becoming A Dying Art

How current are you on your CB terms? Check the list...

Trucking Resume Tips for 2012

Here's a quick checklist of dos and don'ts when compiling a resume for truck driving jobs. How does yours match up?

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