Tag: close call

A FedEx warehouse located in Michigan sustained severe damage during a Tuesday night tornado.
A law taking effect soon in Idaho will allow truckers to idle while resting or while hauling a refrigerated perishable load.

VIDEO: Trucker makes a split second decision to save clueless elderly motorist

A trucker's split second decision to spare a motorist who merged in front of him at 10 miles per hour has been caught on dash cam.

VIDEO: Trucker makes last nanosecond save

A trucker has a super close call with slowed traffic.

Watch as a trucker leaps from his rig seconds before it gets decimated by a train

A motorist captured incredible video of a truck driver's narrow escape from a train collision in Georgia on Sunday.

VIDEO: Motorcyclist crashes under semi truck, somehow walks away

A motorcyclist walks away with nothing worse than road rash after losing control, sliding underneath a truck, and coming out on the other side. Youtube...

Dash cam catches amazing move to avoid multiple truck pile up

This truck driver must have had an angel as a copilot to nearly miss slamming into slow moving traffic on a wet-cold day in...

VIDEO: Runaway tire gives dump truck driver a scare

Watch as a rogue tire crosses the median and goes after a dump truck. This video, entitled "Killer Tire" was uploaded by YouTube user Emily Spivy....

Trucker gets a “critical event report” for slamming on his brakes. When the safety department sees this video, they realize he saved two lives

A trucker's hard braking maneuver is called into question -- that is, until the safety department takes a look at this dash cam video. "The...

VIDEO: MGIF motorist’s aggressive truck pass runs drivers off the road

In this dash cam video, a Must Get In Front car driver who is desperate to pass a tanker truck causes a close call...

VIDEO: Trucker makes impressive save after being hit by pickup

In this winter weather crash, an out of control pickup truck spins into the side of a semi truck. Dash cammer opeth51 writes, "When I slowed down...

VIDEO: Tow truck driver nearly meets his maker

Today the Michigan State Police released alarming video of a tow truck driver's brush with death to remind motorists to slow down and give...

VIDEO: Two brushes with death and a little wave

An inattentive car driver almost gets hit by a truck -- twice -- and then nonchalantly gives the truck driver who almost pancaked her a...

VIDEO: What the heck is that squealing noise?

A motorist recently captured the memorable moment that a car gets taken for a terrifying ride by a truck. We recommend you turn on the...

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