Tag: Statistics

Infographic: Know Your Truck Stop

This handy infographic tells us about the assets and man hours that go into keeping the busiest tractor rodeo bucking day and night. View the image.

Study Says Distracted Driving Accidents Far Under-Reported

Find out what percentage of all crashes researches say distracted driving is responsible for.

DOT Releases New Distracted Driving Guidelines

What do you think should be done to curb distracted driving?

Cargo Theft: Most Bizarre Stolen Loads

Truck and cargo theft is on the rise. According to the FBI, more than $30 billion in cargo is stolen each year.

Infographic: Texting And Driving Statistics

How dangerous is texting while driving?

Truck Drivers Falls To His Death While Tarping His Load

According to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, there are an estimated 25 fall-related deaths in the trucking industry each year.

New Technology Would ‘Lock’ Cell Phones While Driving

A new product called Dock-n-Lock has been designed to help curb distracted driving. The company has developed devices for both fleets and families.

Infographic: The Hazards of Holiday Roads

Truck drivers know better than most anyone how hazardous a road can become. That goes double for the holiday season, when the roads get...

Infographic: Distracted Driving Dangers 2012

What are the latest statistics on distracted driving, and what do they mean for truck drivers?

Infographic: Truckin’ In America

Check out this informative infographic. How many wrecks are trucks responsible for? How many drivers are there in the U.S.? Where are the most trucking jobs?

17,000 Jobs Added to Trucking and Transportation in Sept.

A small bit of good news after a flat summer for the trucking and transportation industries.

Statistics on Texting and Driving: An Infographic

Statistics on Texting and Driving: This infographic sheds light on the typical driver you might see texting while driving. Some stats might surprise you!

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