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VIDEO: Jimmy Kimmel We Ate Your Halloween Candy Prank


On this Halloween eve, we thought the Jimmy Kimmel’s We Ate Your Halloween Candy video was the perfect video to get you into the Halloween mood.

I’m a mom with two kids, so I know parents work pretty hard for their kids on Halloween, so why shouldn’t they get to eat some of  their kid’s candy? We help coordinate classroom Halloween parties, do all the shopping and planning for Halloween costumes, buy 7 blasted bags of candy and walk endless miles going door-to-door with their kids, so why shouldn’t they enjoy their children’s Reeces?

Okay, I’m only kidding. I wouldn’t eat ALL of my children’s candy, but if I did, no doubt they would react like some of these kids.

Last year, Jimmy Kimmel told parents to tell their kids they ate all their Halloween candy and then capture their reactions on camera. The result is truly priceless and hysterical.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

This Week in Trucking
