2.3 C
New York

VIDEO: Log truck driver kicks the heck out of another driver’s truck


A road rage incident begins when a log truck driver passes another trucker on double yellows and ends with a failed attempt to kick out the dash cammer’s lights.

The video was shared by YouTube user Hal Kael on August 19, 2018. He writes:

“DRIVERS LIKE THIS KILL PEOPLE!!! SHARE THIS and DISLIKE if you agree that this driver need to be OFF OUR ROADS!!! ya, DISLIKE this video!! Logger passes an extended superB on a double solid, in an intersection before braking and dangerously swerving over both lanes, then stopping to kick out my lights (and fails). It is NOT illegal to drive a truck this size less than 100km/h, (our trucks are speed restricted, as ALL should be!!) but this guy gets THIS mad because I respond by high beaming him!?!? Its the “speed LIMIT”, not the “speed minimum”! Ya gotta love it when a DANGEROUS DRIVER steps up to identify himself on camera!! This idiot gives all loggers, and all truckers, a bad name!! Being a PROFESSIONAL means more than driving for an income… (DOES ANYONE KNOW THIS GUY?? The intersection he passed me at was Meier Rd on Hwy16 West and he turned into the mill near Thackery Rd, Vanderhoof at approx 06:15 am) No load is worth risking lives for! (gotta love CBC radio for conjuring up this freak with a well timed circus theme!! haha) -LANGUAGE WARNING- (we’re truckers haha)”

This Week in Trucking
