
Healthiest Coffee Drink & Smoothie Options

Coffee drinks and smoothies are notorious for being loaded with calories, check this chart to see which are the best and worst options. Also,...

15 Simple Weight Loss Tricks

It's not easy to be proactive when it comes to weight loss when you're constantly out on the road, focused on making appointment times,...

5 Germ Zones To Keep Clean

Keys Yep, they're gross. We don't really think about keys being dirty - but they definitely are. Your keys go everywhere with you, and they...

Experts Say: Eat More White Vegetables!

Vegetables which are white in color (like potatoes, parsnips, and turnips) supply a large amount of vital nutrients - which your body might be...

Knowing How Migraines Can Impact Your Life On The Road

Have you ever had a migraine out on the road? - Can you even think of anything worse than having a migraine while driving?...

Poor Hand Washing Habits Lead To Food Borne Illness

It's gross, and more than likely is one of those things you'd just rather not know. - But protecting yourself from bathroom germs, especially...

French Truck Stop Food

Have you ever wondered about truck stop eats in other countries? According to Andy Pag, writer for OregonLive - France is the place to...

10 Health Tricks You Might Want To Know

1. Can't hear? - Lean in with the correct ear. The right ear is better than the left at following rapid speech rhythms in a...

Keeping An Eye Out For Melanoma

It's officially summer, and a good time to be reminded that skin cancer - especially melanoma, can strike where you least expect it to.

Infographic: 15 Things You Should Know About Caffeine

Caffeine plays a role in just about everyone's lives. It's in more beverages and medications that we can even count, and many completely rely...

Infographic: Good Carbs Vs. Bad Carbs

Do you know how to tell the difference between good carbs and bad carbs? Check out this infographic to learn more about complex carbs...

7 Most Germ Infested Public Places

Public germs… they'er awful to think about, and completely unavoidable. Here's the low-down on the germiest public places/items, and how to avoid them as...

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