Tag: close call
A viral video shows a worker laying into a trucker who forgot to flush after using the restroom. The video was reportedly captured in Post Falls, Idaho, and it was shared this week by TikTok user...
Yet another tale from ‘Trucker Rob’ has us glued to our seats and wondering how much of his black dog story is real and how much is exaggerated just for fun. “Back in the early 2000s I...
Breaking News
VIDEO: Trucker makes a split second decision to save clueless elderly motorist
A trucker's split second decision to spare a motorist who merged in front of him at 10 miles per hour has been caught on dash cam.
VIDEO: Trucker makes last nanosecond save
A trucker has a super close call with slowed traffic.
Watch as a trucker leaps from his rig seconds before it gets decimated by a train
A motorist captured incredible video of a truck driver's narrow escape from a train collision in Georgia on Sunday.
VIDEO: Motorcyclist crashes under semi truck, somehow walks away
A motorcyclist walks away with nothing worse than road rash after losing control, sliding underneath a truck, and coming out on the other side. Youtube...
Dash cam catches amazing move to avoid multiple truck pile up
This truck driver must have had an angel as a copilot to nearly miss slamming into slow moving traffic on a wet-cold day in...
VIDEO: Runaway tire gives dump truck driver a scare
Watch as a rogue tire crosses the median and goes after a dump truck. This video, entitled "Killer Tire" was uploaded by YouTube user Emily Spivy....
Trucker gets a “critical event report” for slamming on his brakes. When the safety department sees this video, they realize he saved two lives
A trucker's hard braking maneuver is called into question -- that is, until the safety department takes a look at this dash cam video. "The...
VIDEO: MGIF motorist’s aggressive truck pass runs drivers off the road
In this dash cam video, a Must Get In Front car driver who is desperate to pass a tanker truck causes a close call...
VIDEO: Trucker makes impressive save after being hit by pickup
In this winter weather crash, an out of control pickup truck spins into the side of a semi truck. Dash cammer opeth51 writes, "When I slowed down...
VIDEO: Tow truck driver nearly meets his maker
Today the Michigan State Police released alarming video of a tow truck driver's brush with death to remind motorists to slow down and give...
VIDEO: Two brushes with death and a little wave
An inattentive car driver almost gets hit by a truck -- twice -- and then nonchalantly gives the truck driver who almost pancaked her a...
VIDEO: What the heck is that squealing noise?
A motorist recently captured the memorable moment that a car gets taken for a terrifying ride by a truck. We recommend you turn on the...