Tag: Infographic

Infographic: Truck Driver Health

We asked you as the CDLLife community to let us know about their eating habits on the road. Here's what we found out about driver health.

CDLLife Infographic: Least Recognized, But Most Important Jobs

This is something that we don’t think about often enough. There are so many gigs out there that are vital to our society &...

Infographic: Truck Driver Tax Deductions

Do you write off any of these items during tax time? Maybe you should.

Infographic: The Hazards of Holiday Roads

Truck drivers know better than most anyone how hazardous a road can become. That goes double for the holiday season, when the roads get...

Infographic: Distances Trucks Bring Our Food

Check out our colorful infographic about how far food travels. What impact do drivers have on our food supply?

Infographic: Distracted Driving Dangers 2012

What are the latest statistics on distracted driving, and what do they mean for truck drivers?

Infographic: The Cost Of Truck Driver Turnover

See how much truck driver turnover affects everyone from drivers, to companies to consumers.

Infographic: Managing Your Mile Per Gallon

How knowledgeable are you about getting the most out of your truck's miles per gallon?

Infographic: Truckin’ In America

Check out this informative infographic. How many wrecks are trucks responsible for? How many drivers are there in the U.S.? Where are the most trucking jobs?

Find Out What Your Heavy Metal Band Is Called

You might not have a heavy metal band name yet - but you could.

Here’s how fast society would collapse without truckers

CDLLife presents an infographic that illustrates what happens when truck drivers stop working. Please share it with friends so they understand how important you are.

Infographic: US Infrastructure Quality Suffering

Truck drivers in the US don't have to guess how badly the highway infrastructure of the country is doing. As we've noted in years...

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