Tag: Storm

VIDEO: Strong Winds Toss Train From Tracks In New Orleans

Powerful thunderstorms rocked the New Orleans area this afternoon. The wiping winds were so powerful, they forced a train right off the elevated tracks.

VIDEO: Massive Storm Blows Over Truck

This scary footage taken yesterday (April 9) shows powerful storm winds toppling a truck in Rochelle, Illinois. This storm killed one person and injured...

Weather Pages To Follow On Facebook

Spring storm season is upon us. Dangerous thunderstorms and tornados can be catastrophic and truck drivers often have no place to go to seek shelter and escape the storm. It's important to stay up-to-date on severe weather so that you're prepared.

VIDEO: Lightning Strikes Trucks On Highway

Lightning strikes a truck on the highway.

Driver Tips & Traffic Conditions, Winter Storm Impacts Northeast

Things are looking a little rough out there today. Obstacles range from a severe winter storm in the Northeast, to rock slides, and a...

Georgia DPS Issues Warnings To Truck Drivers

“All trucks entering Georgia are required to pass through the inspection stations (100% pull-in) until further notice and our officers are handing each driver printed materials,” MCCD Commander Major Gene Davis said.

Winter Storm Cleon Packs Three-Prong Punch

Strong winds, heavy snow and ice are expected.

VIDEO: Storm Topples Truck

A truck is overturned by a storm.

VIDEO: Continuous Lightning Lasts An Hour

This lightning storm went on like this for almost a solid hour before ending.

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