Laws & Regulations

Roadcheck 2014: Arizona Places 164 Drivers Out Of Service

Arizona releases results of Roadcheck 2014.

120 Overweight Vehicles Ticketed For Violating Frost Law

120 overweight trucks ticketed for violating Michigan's frost law.

It’s Here: Roadcheck 2014

This year's Roadcheck 2014, scheduled between June 3rd through June 5th 2014, is the largest targeted enforcement campaign on trucks and buses.

Surprise Inspections In Norfolk, Nebraska

Truckers in Norlfolk, NE surprised when authorities conducted 80 inspections and handed out over 260 violations.

FMCSA To Drivers: Certified Medical Examiner Rule Now In Effect

The FMCSA's new Certified Medical Examiner rule went into effect today. The FMCSA issued a press release, reminding drivers that beginning today, all USDOT driver physicals must be performed by a doctor form the Certified Medical Examiner's Registry.

Florida Bill To Increase Speed Limits – Vetoed

Just days following the funeral of state trooper Chelsea Richard, a bill (SB 392) allowing drivers to drive 75 miles per hour on Florida highways has been vetoed by Governor, Rick Scott.

16 States Pass “Dead Red” Laws, Allowing Cyclists To Run Red Lights

In March, 16 states passed house bill 1080, a rule better known as the “dead red” law.

Justice for Truckers

It is time for trucking to take a step forward and protect their greatest asset, their drivers!

California Town’s Truck Parking Ban Expanded

Trucks will no longer be able to park select business park streets in Vista, California. Last week, the Vista City Council voted unanimously to ban...

FMCSA: Medical Examiner Requirement Going Into Effect SOON!

Beginning May 21, 2014, all driver medical examinations must be performed by a doctor on the FMCSA's Registry of Certified Medical Examiners.

Distracted Driving Awareness: U Text. U Drive. U Pay.

State Highway Safety Offices taking action by supporting a national campaign called: ‘U Drive. U Text. U Pay.’ This campaign is the first of its kind, providing strong anti-texting enforcement as well as a media outreach to educate motorists about the dangers of distracted driving.

Moving Violations Dramatically Increase Insurance Premiums

We take a look at how much moving violations and tickets affect your insurance premiums.

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