Trucking News

VIDEO: Man Saves Children From Vicious Dogs

Hero positions himself between two vicious dogs and the children the dogs were trying to attack. Warning: this video contains graphic images.

Angry Man Drives Tanker Into Wife’s Home

British man drives 528 gallons of kerosene through wife's house and attempts to set it on fire. What drove the man to snap?

Jersey Congressmen Want Toll Suspension

Several New Jersey Congressmen asked the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to delay a second round of toll hikes scheduled for December.

TCA Is Now Accepting Scholarship Applications

Need a little help with tuition expenses? The TCA wants to help. Find out about available TCA scholarships.

FMCSA Puts the Squeeze on Reincarnated Trucking Companies

The FMCSA is cracking down on reincarnated carriers with new regulations. Find out how they plan to shut down the fly-by-night companies.

Scorned Dentists Pulls Out Ex’s Teeth

Sweet revenge. A dentist in Poland taught her boyfriend a lesson after he dumped her or another woman. You won't believe what she did.

Oklahoma Weigh Stations to Get a High Tech Facelift

Oklahoma just opened its first of nine new, high tech weigh stations. Find out where the others will be located and when you can to expect to see the others open.

Maine Stiffens Penalties for Distracted Driving

Maine's governor Paul LePage decided to boost fines related to distracted driving, texting and phone use in cars and trucks.

Las Cruces Residents Ordered to Pay Up or Else

Some Las Cruces residents are fired-up about the city's new plan to collect fines due for tickets, but will they have the water to put out the fire?

Trucker Buddy Int’l. Announces New Officers

CDL Life favorite Trucker Buddy International announces their newest officers, and some of their plans for 2012. Are you a Trucker Buddy?

New Info On US Trucker Detained in Mexico for Smuggling

Mexican authorities say a cross-border trucker has been detained on charges of transporting unauthorized ammunition. His carrier company and officials at the ATF claim it's a mistake and he should be released immediately.

It’s a Good Time to Buy a Used Truck

If you're looking to buy a used Class 8 truck, now's the time. How long will the low prices hold out?

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