Trucker GPS: Units for Long Haul Truckers
CDL Life reviews 2011's top GPS units for professional truck drivers. There will be more reviews in Winter 2011 for truck-specific GPS models.
Power Inverters Truck Drivers Can Use
Power inverters allow truck drivers to use computers, DVD players and cooking appliances on the road. Which one do you need?
Fuel Saving Statistics
The EPA may be proud of their big plans, but most truck drivers know that tractor trailer manufacturers and private carriers are already working tirelessly to find new ways to improve fuel efficiency of their fleets.
What Makes a Good High Mileage Truck? Pt. 2
We continue speaking about how technological advancements in the manufacture of tractor trailer parts have helped drivers stay confident about owning and buying used trucks.
Ducks Who Truck and the Men Who Team With Them
Every once and a while a story shows up in my email that is just too good to keep to myself, this is one of the stories.
Home Security & Surveillance for Truckers
New home security systems make it easy for long haul truckers to keep watch over their home and family. It doesn't cost as much as you might think!
What States are Most Dangerous for Drivers?
Uninformed, distracted and unskilled drivers can be the most dangerous things in a truck driver€™s life. We decided to find out which state the most of these types of drivers lived in.
What Makes a Good High Mileage Truck?
The modern definition of 'low mileage truck' would seem ridiculous just 20 years ago. Advancements in aerodynamics and engine technology makes a half-million mile road warrior a good buy if a few points check out.
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Wind Energy Won’t Move Forward without Truckers
Between 2000 and 2010, the total number of kilowatt hours produced by wind energy in the US rose more than 1483%. These incredible numbers may stall if trucker needs aren't met.
The Pre-Trip Inspection Nov 21 – 26
November 21 trucking and transportation industry issues; budget battles, highway and bridge safety plans, state elections, FMCSA rulings and more...
Audio Programs: What Should Go in Your Truck?
Days on the road can be long and boring if you drive by yourself. What are the best free and subscription based audio services you can get to pass the time?