
NASCAR Driver Discovers Negative Power of Twitter

The lesson here is "Watch what you Tweet. You never know who's listening." A NASCAR driver learns his lesson.

Bluetooth Headsets for Truckers

The hand-held cell phone ban for commercial trucks is now nationwide. To help get your truck up to spec, we review some of the most popular bluetooth cell phone headsets.

2011’s Story of the Year – REGULATION

It should come as no surprise to anyone in the transportation industry that federal and state regulation has been the top topic for 2011. Review what happened here.

Stability Control Systems – Why Do the Feds Want Them?

The NHTSA studies show that stability control systems can potentially save a few more lives on the road. Is the projected cost worth it?

Time-Lapse Video: Rocky Mountain High Gear

Check out a great time-lapse video of U.S. Highway 6 near Denver. Plus, find out how to submit video of your own!

2012 HOS Rule – Shipping Co’s Aren’t Happy

Once again, new regulatory policy out of Washington passes because it looks good on paper, but does it work in real life?

VIDEO: WiFi Finder for Truckers

Find out how to use this Free WiFi network finder mobile app by watching a video demo.

Mobile App Demo – Trapster for Truckers

Watch a video tutorial that shows you how to use the popular speed trap buster Trapster.
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Music Video: The Day Truckers Saved Christmas

Trucker Steve shares a tale of holiday humor through song, with The Day Truckers Saved Christmas.

Holiday Song Rarities: A Trucker’s Christmas

We found a holiday song dedicated to truckers that we bet you've never heard before. It's called "A Trucker's Christmas."

Zac Brown Band “Keep Me In Mind”

Have a look at the video for the hottest country music single in December 2011, Zac Brown's "Keep Me In Mind." Rockers aren't the only ones who can get a stadium roaring!

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