Tag: ATA

VIDEO: Possible drunk driver saved by truck driver

This video posted in December of 2015 depicts a possible drunk driver driving the wrong way on a busy highway. From the dashcam footage, it...

Senate’s driverless car bill does not include driverless trucks

On Thursday, the Senate released bipartisan legislation that details federal law concerning the driverless car industry. The bill seeks to help the car industry speed up...

FMCSA awards more than $70 million in grants to improve commercial motor vehicle safety

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced today that it has awarded more than $70 million in grants to...

Zero tolerance for truck drivers under the influence of marijuana

Ontario is set to legalize marijuana in the summer of next year, but they are starting their zero tolerance for drivers under the influence...

Oregon’s new distracted driving law in effect October 1st

Oregan passed a new law that is designed to further enforce an already in place distracted driving law that bans the use of cell...

Senate approves bills that could cost drivers their CDL for a lifetime

In a U.S. Senate press release published on Friday, Senator John Thune applauded the Senate's passage of his No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act...

Operation Black and Blue set to announce upcoming protest location

Operation Black and Blue just made an announcement that they plan to release the location of their protest on September 30th. The organization has a...

Senate To Hold Hearing On Self-Driving Trucks

Next week, the U.S. Senate will be holding a hearing to explore the benefits and roadblocks that automated driving technology will bring to trucking. The...

Trump-Era EPA To Reconsider Phase 2 Regulations For Trailers And Gliders

The Trump administration's U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it will take another look at Obama-era greenhouse gas and fuel efficiency regulations for trailers...

TMAF Debuts Cute Mascot, Wants You To Help Name Him

Yesterday the Trucking Moves America Forward campaign debuted their new mascot -- but he doesn't have a name yet! The new mascot definitely looks like...

Trump Says He’d Be Willing To Raise Gas And Diesel Taxes — Because Truckers Asked For It

In an interview this morning, President Trump said that he would be willing to increase taxes on gas and diesel fuel in order to...

Why It’s Time To Stop Blaming Truck Drivers For Accidents

What if I told you semi-truck drivers cause fewer truck-passenger vehicle accidents than passenger vehicle drivers? Odds are, the average person wouldn’t believe me because...

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