Tag: Diet

Wisconsin Trucking Company Employees Lose A Ton Of Weight

A trucking company in Superior, Wisconsin hosted a 5K walk on Thursday in celebration of getting healthy and losing a ton of weight.

7 Foods That Make You Hungrier

We recently wrote about snacks that keep you satisfied longer, but is there such a thing as food that makes you hungrier?

Health Benefits of Quinoa

Why is quinoa being called a "superfood?"


Follow these 10 tips to cut sugar from your diet, loose weight and get healthy.

Hundreds of Drivers Stranded on I-40, I-55 in Arkansas

Icy conditions, along with multiple crashes, have stranded hundreds of motorists on Interstate 40 and 55 in East Arkansas for hours. The backup began on Monday afternoon and it hasn't gotten much better since.

VIDEO: Toll Booth Operator Is Having A Terrible Day!

Everyone and everything seems to be out to get this poor toll booth operator today!

VIDEO: Dave The Raw Food Trucker

The Raw Food Diet is a low-calorie approach to health and weight loss. Those participating in the Raw Food Diet seek out food that's loaded with nutrients and natural enzymes in order to reach a healthier condition.

Infographic: Truck Driver Health

We asked you as the CDLLife community to let us know about their eating habits on the road. Here's what we found out about driver health.

Recipe: Summer Mediterranean Salad

This protein-packed salad is a great on-the-road dish.

Recipe: Rich and Creamy Summer Fruit Salad

This rich and creamy summer fruit salad will be the perfect treat after a long, hot day!

2nd TCA Weight Loss Showdown Winners Announced

Weight loss winners announced!

Planning To Drop Some Pounds This Year? Weigh Our Your Options.

If you're wanting to lose weight, these diet options may work for you.

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