The A&E reality TV series "Road Wars" recently featured a dramatic incident involving an out-of-control gravel hauler that ended in an explosion at a car dealership in Utah last year. Road Wars is a show that takes...
This entertaining video takes a deep dive into the iconic Kenworth trucks featured in the classic trucking tv series 'B.J. and the Bear.'
VIDEO: IRT star Lisa Kelly shares smart trucking advice about driving within your limits
"Ice Road Truckers" fan favorite driver Lisa Kelly shared a video reminding drivers that no load is worth their lives. In the video shared...
Video explores the struggles truckers are now experiencing coming down off the high of the pandemic
A video report follows a truck driver as she shares her experiences with the highs and then lows of trying to make a living in trucking in the years after the pandemic.
‘Road Wars’ TV series features video of big rig dragging car for four miles on Cajon Pass
The popular A&E television series "Road Wars" recently took a deeper dive into a crash and drag incident that occurred in California. The Road...
Wild dash cam video of dump truck struck by car hitting house featured on ‘Road Wars’ TV series
A dump truck driver's dash cam video that ended with his jarring crash into a house was recently featured on the A&E television series...
VIDEO: Ice Road Trucker Lisa Kelly shares ‘Unspoken Rules of the Haul Road’
In this video, reality TV trucker Lisa Kelly gives you a quick overview of the dos and don'ts of driving the Dalton Highway in Alaska.
Teen who crashed into semi trailer was watching ‘Stranger Things’ on her phone, Minnesota sheriff says
Minnesota police say that a distracted driver likely owes her life to the quick thinking of a semi truck driver who was able to swerve to avoid a more serious crash.
Take a video tour of ‘Ice Road Trucker’ Lisa Kelly’s sleeper berth
A truck driver who starred on the History Channel reality tv series "Ice Road Truckers" recently gave viewers a video tour of the cab of her semi.
VIDEO: Eye-opening 60 Minutes report looks at who is to blame for supply chain mess
A recent video report from 60 Minutes delves into the factors behind the recent American supply chain struggles.
Santa trades his sleigh for a semi in new Ford commercial
In a new holiday ad spot, Ford Motor Companies puts Santa behind the wheel of a semi truck.
MSNBC host facing backlash after calling out truckers as ‘aggressive’ white men over 55
An MSNBC host is raising eyebrows for a recent comment painting the trucking industry in an unflattering light.
A&E brings back popular trucking reality show after 6 years off the air
TV channel A&E announced the return of a popular trucking reality show after a several year hiatus. On Friday, October 15, A&E announced that...
Inside Edition segment calls out ‘big rig trucks’ for ‘causing horrible accidents’
Newsmagazine "Inside Edition" recently ran a video segment that blames "out of control" and "runaway" trucks for crashes resulting in injuries and fatalities.